Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chapter 6 Response

The Social Web is something that almost every person in the World has at least heard about, and many are using. When it comes to schools and teaching in the classroom, I feel as a prospective teacher that bringing in the idea of the web and technology in to my classroom is essential and would be quite beneficial to my teaching, and the students learning. Richardson states that, "it is the collaborative construction of knowledge by those willing to contribute is redefining the ways we think about teaching and learning at every level" (pg. 89). This is something new to several people but I agree with Richardson when he says that it is something that if you are willing to use and work with, then you will be happy in the end. I feel as if libraries for example are extremely important, but when it is just as easy, or even easier to have the web library right in your hands, in front of you on the computer, then why not use it. If a teacher is privileged enough to have the internet/computer in their classroom, then take advantage of it, have the children look up info. on the web, research people, learn new information, and take advantage of the time saved, and new information that could be learned from the web rather than a book. As a teacher, especially one whom will be teaching the younger aged students, it will be important to use certain websites and blogs as bookmarks or placed as favorites on your computer so these students will understand how to get to these places and know how to work them. Many students will not have these sources at home, so as much time that can be given to the students, should. They will enjoy doing something different, and also have fun while doing so.

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