Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chapter 9 Response

After reading the book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by, Will Richardson, I feel as if I have already learned so much more about technology and the Web. "We are at the beginning of a radically different relationship with the Internet, one that has long-standing implications for educators and students" (Pg. 133). The Internet is growing and more and more people are using computers and the Web. As the years go by, even more people will be using the web, so it is important for teachers to get this information across to our students at a young age. As a elementary teacher, I will be able to teach my students at a younger age so they will understand how to use and what to expect when using different types of technology. Chapter 9 talks about how readers are no longer just readers, and writing is not only limited to text. After reading this, I was in complete agree ness with Richardson. When you use a blog for example, you are reading peoples work then responding to their ideas, with ones of your own. While doing so, you are killing two birds with one stone; reading and writing all in one. Students would learn to best of their advantage when they can write and do their ideas in the way they feel will help them the most. This could be; audio, video, writing, and so many more. Every student learns at different levels and in different ways. Giving someone the opportunity to choose how they wish to present work is their own prerogative and should be given to everyone.

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